Saturday, September 26, 2009

Affiliate- Cash- Flow- Profits

In addition to the importance of Website Conversion. Which is primarily the idea of getting visitors on your site, to perform certain actions.

The most common actions you may wish your visitors to perform would be things like.

1. Click on AdSense Ads.
2. Opt in to your email list.
3. Click on your affiliate link sending them to either your product review/optin page, or directly to the merchants sales page.

Now on this subject of
Affiliate Marketing, did you know that most affiliates earn almost nothing? Also of interest is the fact that around 20% of affiliates earn 80% of commissions?
(Round numbers).


It's a
new blog I've set up which will provide valuable free content, and also paid.

We seem to be looking at around 97% failure rate in the industry, there are many good quality people and resources, that can help all of us to succeed online.

Look forward to seeing you on the blog.

...Geoff Slingsby.
PS: Made my first sales from this lil ol' blogger blog.


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